Fat experiences

Summer heat and fat rolls

Baby powder. And lots of it. Also deodorant between your thighs, etc. My wife starts sweating profusely just putting her makeup on in the morning lol.
4 years

Summer heat and fat rolls

Anyone else get a little concerned about smelling in the summer? Having extra creases (over my love handles, under my belly, under my moobs and some other places) it gets a little more difficult to keep from sweaty build up and the smell that follows. In the heat I need to take multiple daily showers or at least get in the nearest body of water (Ocean, Bay, river or pool) for long periods to avoid being 'ripe'. How do others handle this growing problem?

It's encouraging to read so many positive words about hygiene. Excuse me if this thin person inserts the comments of an admirer into the conversation.

I hope it doesn't offend anyone to admit that I get weak in the knees inhaling the evidence of a person's size. When you're big you perspire and may tend to have interesting odors. Yes it's nice to smell a perfume or a nice fragrant powder, but the odors you may find embarrassing may be more seductive than you realize. At the most fundamental biological level, some of this is purposeful, meant to capture the attention of a possible mate. Think about the possibility that your body's pong may be messing up someone else's head. It's possibly a way to identify a genuine FA.

Could not agree more. When I was a kid, I had a crush on the two fattest girls in school, and they both had kind of an odor to them. I remember inviting one of them over to play video games because she was my friend's brother and the couch was stinky where she was sitting, and the smell stayed there for a few days. None of my friends would go near it but all I wanted to do was bathe in it and always smell like her. It was my first erotic memory. I ended up dating the second girl later on and she had the strongest smell of anyone I've ever met. It was the most intimate thing of my life, I was addicted to having her smell on me, and it was almost impossible to get off. It alienated me from other people and made me her sex slave. The whole house ended up smelling like her and no one would come over. And I'm haunted by it because no one else has ever done that for me and it's all I've ever wanted
4 years